Wednesday, February 21, 2007

midnight rantings

i look at you and i feel hatred
i feel distaste

i see unbridaled potential
limited only by your own mind

i witness a wayward traveler
wandering in the blinding snow storm
a snow storm of confusion
of false hopes

do you have the wherewithall to take a stand
the guts to make a choice

is it time you need,
cause it is time you have

is it experience you seek
cause each day brings its own

finding everything you search for
doesnt come giftwrapped upon your door step

but is sought for with determination
is grasped at last when it is finished eluding capture

but you do not know when it will be
of when the time shall come

but only then can you be free
not a minute too soon

otherwise the timing would have been off
you would have been let off too easily

to torture yourself,
lying in your own mayhem
it will give you nothing but grief
and more confusion
though you seek to find a way out of this maze
to be untangled from this web

you are only here because you put yourself here
and you feed yourself lies like that

maybe you want to feel better so you say that it has a deeper meaning to it
and it does, at first

the old was not bad
but you lacked

does it come so easily?
or does one constantly swim in a sea of mediocrity?
to say that everything is great

far removed
far unknown
where does it lie but within

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