Saturday, June 16, 2007

2nd week of camp

well, finished the second week of camp. not the easiest one to go through...but it was kinda humbling. i got my first night off during the camp week this past week. matt, will, xander and myself went to the house of man in murray and ate some nice kabobs. had a great time just hanging out with the guys.

i think about a bunch of yall and i hope things are going well. not much different here...just working...but i am trying to find what exactly that means, and to work with something in mind. and if you know me well, you know i like to focus on the thing at hand...which so often leads to losing sight of the big picture.

still trying to figure out who i am...and what God is calling me to be. funny how some people can see that in themselves so easily, and they can see it in others. and no matter how much or how effectively they tell you, it is not really something that can happen until you find it or you believe it for yourself.

thanks for the prayers, the calls, and the texts...keep em up

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just thinkin' about you, Den. It's always interesting to be "just working"...i suppose at any stage of your life you're "just working" at something, it's just not always a job. Wouldn't it be reassuring to know in advance what God had you working for? Haha...hope you're enjoying the ride, Denzer. You're in my prayers.