Monday, August 6, 2007

waka, waka, waka

hey guys...long time no post huh...

well, kids camp went well. bible study was a bit different with 3-4th graders. but thank goodness my good ole buddy josh was there to entertain them with great team building efforts.

last week josh, troy, john, lee, and myself (along with kevin) were cleaning camp up. we took the water toys out of the lake (the blob, iceberg, and trampolines). we just had fun doing things.

this weekend i went to tyree's house and then we went to steely's house in the 'burg. i had lots of fun hanging out at both places and down to eagle falls too.

this week we have a group coming and we are going to be facilitating activities for bible study.

as a side note...for those that have not heard, and really read this stuff...which would be you because you have come thus far...i am going to be staying in kentucky for a few more months. i will be here helping out around campus and facilitating groups that come in on the weekends. a step up. it is going to be different than this summer...but it will be fun. i was asked if i wanted to stay right before kids camp. God has a way of answering questions for you even if you are not looking for an answer. i will be here until november at least. i would love to hear from you. ill be staying on no worries about sleeping in my car.

gimme a call or message me sometime


Rachel Lane said...

John Forsythe told me about you staying in Kentucky for a few more months! It sounds exciting, and I am happy for you. Keep in touch :)

Unknown said...

Well this is big news fo schizzle. I'm so glad to hear that you've found something in KY that you enjoy so much; and equally glad that you won't be sleeping in your car. Enjoy yourself and give us a call sometime!