Friday, April 27, 2007

das boot

tuesday night, i show up at his front door, and he is wearing sunglasses. its alright...still great to see him. he had eye surgery earlier this week. we went off and ate at a nice little restaurant (if i remember correctly it was called steilacoom diner). we caught up a bit and hung it was nice.

wednesday we just hung. went over to the coffee shop and got a bit of internet. that night we went out to eat at famous daves with mike and katie.

thursday we went to burs, which was a nice and greasy old diner, shared by the lion's club of lakewood. we also went up towards tacoma to half-price books and picked up a couple of good buys. after that we went back and chilled till we went to bible study. after bible study we headed to the sea-tac airport to go pick up abigail. we waited FOREVER...not really, just figured i might get a response from abigail if she actually reads this...

friday i chilled and then hung out with brett and abigail later that day...fuzzy details...jack in the box, apartment...panera...

sunday went to chapel and then over to brett's bible study leader's place (wes and josephene [sp]). we had easter dinner over there. it was pretty sweet...meeting up with the folks i met on thursday...lamb, ham, +++...and strawberry goodness. monday morning abigail went back to nac, and we chilled until the afternoon, then we decided to head to seattle. we went round pike's market...a market that had fresh fish and all sorts of food and goodies. we actually got to see them chunk some well as the original starbucks, and some sweet, homemade cheese place. we went and ate at red robin's (nice little hamburger joint). we then headed home, but not before stopping at denny park and checking out the seattle space needle too.

tuesday i chilled while brett was at work, and then we and ate dinner at his place...once again, great hangin out with him...but alas i headed out on wednesday

1 comment:

Abigail... said...

I cant believe you would DOUBT my reading of blogs abilities! Its possibly my only talent...

And waiting for me at the airport I'm sure was TOTALLY WORTH IT!

PS. Glad you're back in East Texas. Woo. ( beautiful weather, isnt it?!)