Thursday, April 12, 2007

hangin with the brett

aww was nice up in lakewood hangin with the brett. this is the quick low-down...and i might get detailed later....

well, got in tuesday night after he had his surgery earlier that week. we went and ate at a nice pub/diner (stelicoom pub/diner i think was the name)...anyways it was down by the sound. hung out wed, went to eat with mike and katie. thursday went to burs, half-price, bible study, then went to go pick up abigail. friday i chilled and hung out with brett and abigail. saturday i did much of the same. sunday went to chapel and then over to brett's bible study leader's place (wes and josephene [sp]). monday went to seattle, tuesday chilled, and ate dinner with brett. wednesday i headed out to olympia and then the coast. i went to disappointment point, then down the coast of oregon. it rained pretty much all day, but the rain was not very steady either way.

1 comment:

Abigail... said...

wow... it sounds so exciting when you put it that way ;-)