Tuesday, March 27, 2007

hello idaho

yes, i have refrained from making some derogatory comments about the name.

well, with the unsuccessful finding of a camping spot, what better way to travel than at night, when you would be restlessly tossing and turning, only to get up at the crack of dawn anyways. aww, i was able to drive and still get a good amount of sleep...so here is the tale..

i left jackson when it was dark, and so i entered the teton range, pretty steep range...and i bet it was great to look at (if it would have been light out). so i drove through the night, a big portion of it anyways, to a nice parking lot of a walmart supercenter (open 24 hours) to sleep for a bit. without a handy access to a toilet, the side of the road at 3 in the morning is a great thing.

well i eventually woke up and yes i did purchase something from that walmart, so it was like paying rent or so (but i saw an rv and a 5th wheel there too...dont know if they paid rent or so), but then i headed out to craters of the moon national park outside of arco idaho.

gotta love free campsites.

well for those that dont know, craters of the moon is a volcanic lava field out in the middle of no-where. pretty cool to see some old lava flows and craters and stuff. just lounged there for the day, when i wasnt hiking. cooked ravioli, rode my bike a little, set up camp... and slept

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